One of the leading academic books publishers Springer Nature has just come out with their first research book that is written and generated by the machine learning.
The first AI-generated book, titled Lithium-Ion Batteries: A Machine-Generated Summary of Current Research, is all written by AI technology. It has quotations written in it with hyperlinks to cite the material used. The references are auto-generated according to the content. The book is a detailed summary of peer-reviewed papers published that is used for academic purpose.
As the title suggests, the content’s nature of the book is super monotonous and dull. Springer Nature’s Henning Schoenenberger has commented that this example of publishing is a start of “a new era in scientific publishing.”
The book is a summarized form of 53000 research papers which have been published on lithium-ion batteries. Using the AI technology to review and skim the information on such scientific topics will help the scientists to examine the theories and past findings on a particular subject more easily consuming less time.
“This method allows for readers to speed up the literature digestion process of a given field of research instead of reading through hundreds of published articles,” written by Schoenenberger. He further added that “At the same time, if needed, readers are always able to identify and click through to the underlying original source in order to dig deeper and further explore the subject.”
There has been a massive improvement in machine learning abilities as artificial intelligence is on the verge of development in the digital world. However, the output generated by them is still limited. AI made content can’t endeavor enough with the long-term writing structures that human writers generate. A machine operated writing algorithm can help with research-based papers, but with fiction or poetry, it can create a compelling reading format that’s enjoyed having its own merits.
Jeff Bigham, professor at Carnegie Mellon’s Human-Computer Interaction Institute, has reviewed the book saying it is not as impressive as it sounds like it should when it comes to using AI technology. He commented, “It is quite straightforward to take high-quality input text, spew out extractive summaries pushed up next to one another, and have it look somewhat coherent at a cursory glance.” Bigham also added, “In fact, the very nature of extractive summary means it will be coherent in chunks, so long as the input texts are coherent. It’s much harder to create something that a human reader finds valuable.”
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