Content Marketing If You Hate Writing

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VIEWS: 6758 Views CATEGORY: SEO READING TIME: 2 Min To Read UPLOADED ON: 04 Jun 2014

Written content may always be the best and most effective form of content. Still, if you hate writing, there are many alternative solutions to running an effective content marketing campaign. Even if you are fine writing articles (or paying a quality content writer to manage your blog), it’s still a good idea to mix it up. Too much of anything can get old after a while.

Image Galleries

If you aren’t the best writer, try filling your blog posts with pictures instead. (Example- “Behind the Scenes at {Event}” or “21 Awesome Ways to Use {Product}”. You can explore various stock libraries to find perfect pictures for your blogs. If you are looking for a specific image to include in your blog, but it’s not in the right format, size, or quality, then you can take the assistance of the photo search utility. Through this tool, you can find the right size and quality images to include on your blog.

Collection of the Best

Focus on a mood or situation relevant to your core audience and post a collection of relevant songs, links, videos, or quotes. (Example- “10 Best Father/Daughter Dance Songs For Your 2014 Wedding.”)


Video Q&A, interviews, tutorials… the sky is the limit. On Facebook, you can find a huge variety of short clips that can be used in your content marketing. You can download the videos from Facebook with the help of a Facebook video downloader.


While infographics are undoubtedly the most effective and popular way to illustrate an extensive amount of information, you can also use comics to lure your best customers in with humour they can relate to.

Guest Post

The benefits of publishing a guest post are reciprocal. A relevant blogger will reach a targeted audience (yours), and you will also get the benefit of reaching their existing audience through cross-promotion.


You can encourage readers to generate content by running a photo or article contest. User-generated content is also the best way to learn how customers use your products.

Note: If the alternatives mentioned above of textual content don’t do the trick and you still need written content, then you can use an online paraphrasing tool. It’s an automated utility that allows you to generate content from an already existing text without asking you to write from scratch.

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