Will You Be An Online Marketing Leader in 2014?

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VIEWS: 7140 Views CATEGORY: SEO READING TIME: 2 Min To Read UPLOADED ON: 30 Jan 2014

Outside of the inconsistency that has become search engine optimization, there are other trends to watch for this year. If you’re smart you will be a leader instead of following others.

Responsive Websites are No Longer Optional

It is absolutely mandatory for your content to be accessible and not frustrating for users on a smartphone or tablet. Sure, it sounds like a luxury but the alternative would be losing potential customers to competitors that have already adjusted to accommodate the steadfastly increasing use of smartphones and tablets to browse the web.

More Options for Specific Social Marketing

The three pillars of social marketing were LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. Of those 3 choices you had to pick the network and strategies that were the best fit for communicating with your core audience.

New social sites are popping up all the time… and staying. (So it goes without saying that social marketing is just as non-optional if you want your business to thrive-instead-of-just-survive in 2014.) There are new benefits that come with each different social network. Foursquare, Pinterest, Instagram, Tumblr, and Google+ are all growing steadfastly. It’s time to branch out and expand!

Speaking of which… Images are kind of a big deal.

In case you aren’t “in the know”, the growing trend attracting active social users (Pinterest, Instagram, Tumblr) are strictly image based. Even on Facebook you’ll find more image memes being passed around than actual status updates.

Use this opportunity to implement more images, from strategically placed pictures in your blog posts or a custom designed info graphic.

Content Marketing is Still King.

While some marketing strategies have become less effective (such as advertising on TV or radio) there is one strategy that continues to increase in value. Building trust and establishing authority through content—in print and on the web—is still the #1 way to maintain position as an industry leader.

FYI- Content does not always have to be an article. Videos, audio, and info graphics are a handful of other ways to publish useful information that builds relationships with your audience.


Yes, less is more. Could this be why the iPhone is so darn popular and Windows 8 was not so well received? Make this the year that you remove the clutter and tone it down. No more hype


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