According to Bloomberg’s reports from the past week, a system-wide dark mode will soon be available to everyone in the iOS 13 update, and Apple has started working on it.
As we know, Apple already uses dark modes in Apple watch, Apple iPad and there is a dark appearance setting available in Apple tvOS 11 which you can easily switch to with the help of Siri or from the settings application. A Dark Mode for iOS is what everyone was looking for because almost every smartphone user wishes to have a dark theme; the reason is “it looks cool.”
You can change or switch to a dark mode in macOS if you aren’t aware this option is available in the system preferences app. You will need to install a third-party app if you want your Mac to go Dark completely. In the upcoming updates, I hope all of the Apple operating systems will have this option available because right now Both, macOS and tvOS have weird ways of applying dark effects.
The question is if there is a dark mode coming in the new update will third-party apps allow to affect them? Well, without a doubt they will because already apple allows third-party apps to become a part of the dark mode in the macOS and the dark mode even responds to the dark themes of the websites in Safari 12.1.
Every user would appreciate such an option in the settings but not like the one in macOS or tvOS. There should be a way where we can toggle light and dark mode without adjusting any colors.
So, let’s wait and see how iOS 13 surprises us.