Once upon a time, the front page of Google featured relevant ads (PPC) and 10 organic blue links. It was the goal of an SEO provider to achieve placement on that front page as an organic listing, because organic listings are more valuable to search engine users. (PPC Ads work for brand exposure, but rarely get the clicks you want.)
Over time, Google—and other search engines—improved the quality of their service. Search engine users find more value on the front page of results. If you have a question, chances are higher than ever that you’ll find the answer… without having to click on any links.
This doesn’t have to be bad news for you. On the contrary, SEO shouldn’t ever be just about getting an organic listing on the front page. It’s an internet marketing strategy that focuses specifically on search engines and how to make this powerful tool work for you.
SEO & Social Media Work Well Together.
Rather than treating social marketing and search engine optimization as two separate campaigns, focus on aligning both strategies because they work well together. Obviously Google Plus (G+) offers the biggest advantage but all networks (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, etc.) add value and enhance the way your brand is displayed on the front page of search results. Note—it’s not just about getting your Facebook page displayed either. By connecting your identity as a G+ user with an author role on your WordPress blog there is more authority whenever any of your posts are displayed.
Just Like The Search Engines, You Should Strive To Improve Value for End Users
Internet users have a shorter than usual attention span. Cater to this fact by offering information so that it is clear and easy to find. This means you should also focus on optimizing sitemaps, architecture, page load time, and other standard SEO techniques. It goes without saying that mobile & tablet device friendly (responsive) website design is less optional and more mandatory. One-page design layouts have increased in popularity for this same reason.
The less clicks it takes, the better.This is the same concept that drives semantic search and it should also be driving your online marketing strategies as well.