A successful website thrives on interaction from its users. Without your users, your webpage may as well not exist. The way in which you choose to design the interface for your website helps to inform users on how to maneuver through your menus, access links, select buttons, and connect to various elements of the page. There are so many different options available when it comes to creating the perfect user interface, that it can be difficult to settle on a definitive answer of which one is ‘the best’. However, one thing you always want from your website, regardless of any minor differences, is for it to be alluring and enticing. You want to tempt your users into interacting with you and your website. A great design teamed with a fantastic overall experience is the best way for you to stand far above the competitive crowd.
Create an engaging interface
The fundamental base of an enticing website design is making sure that your user wants to engage with your online domain. Of course, the first reason for a user’s interest should be down to the service or product you are offering, but it’s incredibly useful to design an interface which almost sells itself. Think about the sharing interface on Pinterest, where all of the forms use gradients on input fields and gradients, the typography is large and clear. The highlighted borders are perfect for informing readers of which field they’re currently using, and all of the elements of the page blend together seamlessly. Users should feel as though interacting with your website is perfectly natural, as it will promote a sense of commitment and safety. Nobody wants to offer up their personal information when it looks like all of the elements of the page have been hashed together within a few minutes.
Use profile badges and paint schemes
You won’t always have the opportunity to craft specific pages for your individual users, but some social communities allow for small specifications which can be invaluable for websites that thrive on user-driven content. Offering up little rewards such as points or badges can prompt people to show a greater interest in your product. Point systems usually work best if you build them according to the existing functionality of your website. For example, if your website has a forum, then give people badges for the number of times they’ve posted, or allow them to accumulate ‘karma’ for helpful responses. If one of your users has commented on or reviewed a lot of your products, reward them for this too.
Make your content easy to read
This is advice that should already be well-known, but readability is absolutely essential if you want interaction. If your content is difficult to understand or access, then nobody will bother with it. People return to websites more often if they find that it is easy to skim read the text and quickly find information or important data that is being offered up to them. Think about the way a homepage dashboard might be arranged – your reader needs to be able to easily determine between user status updates, blog posts, photo albums, and product reviews. These are just some of the things that you may be able to utilize when it comes to creating a more engaging interface. In the end, you just need to focus on your user and consider whether they’re going to be getting the best experience out of the pages that you’re providing.