The Signs that you have an Outdated Website

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VIEWS: 7598 Views CATEGORY: SEO READING TIME: 3 Min To Read UPLOADED ON: 16 May 2015

The strategies and concepts that make up web design are dynamic principles. This often means that if you think that you’re right on time with your digital strategy, you have already fallen behind. Staying up-to-date with the latest trends and learning about upcoming opportunities is a full-time concept that requires businesses to constantly keep their finger against the pulse of all things digital. To make your brand and yourself successful, you need to make sure that you’re in sync with all of the best practices that currently exist. However, at the same time, if you can’t be flexible with your website, and make alterations according to the emerging evidence of online affairs, then you’ll quickly be left in the dust. With that in mind, here are some important signs that could indicate your website is already outdated.

1. Your Website isn’t Responsive

According to a survey that has been conducted by Kentico, approximately 44% of all visitors will not return to a website that isn’t mobile-friendly. The same research discovered that 78% of tablet users and 76% of smartphone users would return regularly to websites that worked well on their smartphones. If you still need convincing that your site’s mobile functionality is important, how about the fact that Google will be uploading new algorithms to punish sites that aren’t responsive? Refusing to adjust to the trends in regards to mobile responsivity could lose you the top spot in your search rankings.

2. Your Content is Poor

Once, good content was defined by how many keywords could be stuffed into one piece of copy. Poor content includes duplicated, unoriginal pieces of content stuffed with irrelevant keywords. If your content isn’t unique or is stuffed with keywords that makes it difficult to read. Google will penalize your website. Prevent this issue by using a reliable plagiarism check free tool. Similarly, if you haven’t updated your content in a long time, then this is something that should be made a high priority as soon as possible. 

3. You’re Socially Invisible

If there is no “share” or “like” features on your articles and blog posts then you’re losing out on a massive potential audience. Today, sites like Twitter and Facebook are some of the most important channels online for business. Millions of people use these sites to connect every day, making them the perfect locations for networking and connecting with new customers.

4. Your Page Rank is Low

Although this may not necessarily be a sign of an outdated website in itself, low page rank is a symptom of serious SEO issues that need to be addressed. Some of the factors that are used to determine page rank include links, loading times, page updates, recent content, keywords, and other technical factors.

5. Your Site is too Slow

A 1-second delay in your loading time for a page can result in a 7% less chance of conversion. For e-commerce websites, this is particularly important. If your website takes longer than three seconds to load, the chances are you’re going to have to make some updates or say goodbye to your consumer base. Minimizing HTTP requests, compressing components and optimizing images can all help to speed up your site.

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