The mindset to complete your education and go to work for a good company has long expired, and only partly due to the continuing increase in student debt and unemployment rates. In short, it’s not worth it… especially when there is an easier and more profitable solution: start your own company.
Why It’s Awesome to Be A Modern Entrepreneur:
The list of benefits can go on and on… but slow down killer. The lifestyle of a modern entrepreneur is often oversold and overcompensated. It’s grand sure, but (like most things) if it sounds too good to be true it is too good to be true.
So if you’re thinking that being a modern entrepreneur means you won’t have to work so hard and you’ll be driving a Mercedes Benz in your first year… guess again.
The Flip Side to the Modern Entrepreneur Lifestyle:
Those are just some examples of how the modern entrepreneur lifestyle isn’t what you expect—as in it’s not what is promised when anyone tries to sell you the Lazy American dream… but that is not to discourage you from acting on your dreams.
Here’s the truth to being a modern entrepreneur, in reality:
You can be successful, and you will be successful: