Obsolete Digital Marketing Strategies to Avoid

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VIEWS: 6380 Views CATEGORY: SEO READING TIME: 2 Min To Read UPLOADED ON: 26 Dec 2014

If you’re part of the online marketing world, you’ll already know how important it is to exercise flexibility and agility in your selling strategies. The world of digital development is overrun by constant innovation that changes frequently, and any business hoping to survive must be capable of adapting to these alterations. If you allow your digital marketing campaign to become outdated, you will soon find that your competitors begin to crush your company into the dust. Here are some of the most common marketing strategies that business continue to use, despite the fact that they have now become obsolete.

  1. Relying Solely on Email Marketing

Although email marketing continues to be a great way of connecting with potential leads, it is a somewhat outdated method of marketing. As well as providing the opportunity for customers to subscribe to your emailing list and receive useful, interesting information from you, make sure they also have the opportunity to follow you on social platforms too.

Building your brand image within the social media network can multiply your followers immensely, leading quickly to new subscriptions without the hassle. You can even combine your email marketing and social media strategies by grabbing emails from social media users which can be added to your marketing list.

  1. Sticking to an Impersonal Marketing Campaign

Digital marketing is not a one-size-fits-all concept. As the number of people who browse the internet looking for products, brand and information continues to grow, it is more important than ever to customize your marketing approach and ensure that you stand out from the crowd. Utilizing behavioral targeting in your marketing campaign has become a heavily popular approach of pursuing customer retention. The statistics show that your business is more likely of earning a higher conversion rate if you take the time to offer a personalized campaign that has been tailor-made to fit the needs of your target audience.

  1. Buying Your Product Reviews

The online users of today are becoming more adept when it comes to spotting unnatural links, fake reviews and deceptive followers of brands. What’s more, Google is dedicating more time to finding fake reviews and paid links when determining a website’s search rank and popularity. Engaging in the process of purchasing good reviews instead of actually earning them is often a serious waste of money. On top of that, the process of buying reviews could actually negatively affect the reputation of your brand.

  1. Constructing Your Own Marketing Department

Today, creating your own marketing department from scratch is considered to be an old-school method of selling online. Not only does this go some way to consuming your marketing budget, it also means that you may have to employ more people to help you run your business. Today, it is much more beneficial to keep hold of a few people who can help you recognize your marketing goal, than to pay for dozens of people to synthesize your brand.


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