Does your Landing Page Have Everything it Needs?

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VIEWS: 6532 Views CATEGORY: SEO READING TIME: 3 Min To Read UPLOADED ON: 27 Feb 2015

Developing a sophisticated and effective landing page doesn’t have to be as difficult as it might seem. It’s fair to suggest that the landing page of any website is vastly important to the amount of success or conversions that a given business generates. Landing pages can help to promote your inbound marketing campaign and increase the number of leads that you get from your website substantially. However, simply creating any old landing page is not enough. You need to make sure that the one you have has been optimized to best suit the visitors for your website, and turn them into much-needed leads. If you’re not sure how to improve your landing page, here’s a brief checklist to consider.

  • The HeadlineYour landing page should always come with a headline that conveys quickly and concisely what your business or website is providing.
  • KeywordsTry to make use of keywords through your headers, titles, and the text utilized on your landing page
  • DescriptionBeneath the headline for the page, you should supply a description of what you’re offering, and how the item or service that you’re offering will be valuable to a customer.
  • Form – Creating a form for your landing page can be essential, as it captures your visitors’ attention, prompts them to provide information, and there-by turns them into a lead. Remember, the form shouldn’t be too long and complex, only try to get the information that you really need, and ensure that there is a clear “submit” button at the end.
  • Social SharingMake sure that your landing page has all the necessary sharing buttons for the social media websites that you are currently using.
  • Stay Simple – Be sure that you don’t clutter your landing page with chaotic content or excessive amounts of text. Just convey what the offer you’re promoting is.
  • Match your CTA and Headline – If your visitor clicks on a call to action that offers a free download, make sure your headline mentions that same free download.
  • Beat the Blink TestYour user should always know exactly what they’re getting out of your website within three to five seconds of approaching your landing page.
  • ImageYour page should have at least a single image that supports the offer.

If your landing page has all of these things, all that will be left to do is engage in some A/B testing to make sure that every element of your page is effective and successful. Remember, the benefits of a landing page are endless, they provide the ideal place for your offers to easily generate leads, provide insights, and collect information on future prospects.

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