Around the time that shopping centers put Halloween on clearance and break out Christmas (November 1st) most businesses are getting ready to review the year that’s concluding in preparation to plan for the next.
How Far Have You Come This Year?
I hope you can look back on 2013 (so far) and feel a sense of accomplishment and confident optimism. Realistically, some of you may feel frustrated or disappointed. You might feel stuck. The best advice if you fall into the latter is: take the hint.
Not that I’m saying you should give up but I am saying you should give in. You’re doing something wrong, it isn’t working. Figure out what needs to change so next year you can look back with a sense of accomplishment and confident optimism.
More than ever, this applies to search engine optimization. You should be looking at SEO Analytics Reports with constructive criticism. What is the ROI? Is it worth it?
Why Successful Websites Will Shift Away From SEO in 2014…
Simply put, because they can. Some websites don’t have to worry about optimizing for search engines because they have another formula… they go viral.
If you have a strong network of followers who market your website to peers without being asked, then you don’t need to worry about SEO. Congratulations, you’re successful! Continue to listen to your audience and find innovative ways to improve the user value of your products or services. You already know that though, because that’s what successful people do.
How You Should Approach SEO Differently To Be More Successful.
Sure, it’s easy to say “go viral and you won’t have to worry about SEO.” It’s a simple formula that is true but doesn’t apply to everyone.
The ability to go viral depends on the size of your audience. It’s not impossible for a small, local service provider to build a huge network of shameless promoters. It’s not that easy either. On a smaller scale, search engine optimization is—and may always be—the best way to reach a larger audience just to increase brand exposure and maybe get some new customers.
If you’re unsatisfied with the results, so far, you may be approaching SEO wrong. Treat it like a marketing strategy and hire an expert who prioritizes the credibility of your brand above all else. In the end, you don’t just want your website to show up organically on the front page of Google. When qualified (potential) customers look for what you do, you want them to find you.
You want to dominate search engines, not just optimize for them. Your 2014 SEO Strategy should cover 2 aspects.
On Site: utilize your blog to get subscribers, shares, and conversations. User engagement is the new keyword density.
Off Site: Be active on social media. If you have any accounts that you don’t update, you might as well let them go. Nothing is worse than a stale anything when it comes to building a web presence.
In a nutshell, the foundation of SEO should have been implemented throughout web development. Everything after that should be an ongoing process treated for what it is: a marketing strategy.