The Top 3 Reasons Why You Should Do an SEO Audit Yourself

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VIEWS: 6762 Views CATEGORY: SEO READING TIME: 2 Min To Read UPLOADED ON: 06 Aug 2013

If you have hired somebody to maintain all search engine optimization and/or internet marketing related tasks and details… you made a smart choice.

It’s always a good idea to let somebody do what they do best so you can focus on what you do best. But you’ll make an even smarter choice by routinely keeping tabs on your employee to monitor their performance.

#1: Making Sure Your SEO Guy Isn’t Trying To Pull One Over On You

The internet is full of SEO guys (and girls), and most of them are worth a dime a dozen. In fact, there’s something about this industry that attracts the manipulative type. You don’t have to be a full blown sociopath to be successful in SEO, in fact you can just be good at reading weaknesses in people and using that to your advantage. Like a salesman. Let’s be honest, it takes a lot of time and effort to learn SEO… then everything changes in the blink of an eye. So unless you are an SEO person, you’re better off hiring somebody who is. But there is no excuse for not paying attention to the results of your investment. To ensure that you can trust your SEO person, you have to see tangible proof and you have to check them for accuracy. That’s the first and most important reason why you should do an SEO audit yourself… even if you are already paying somebody else to do it.

#2: Because SEO isn’t just about seeing your website in search engine results.

Search engine results placement is a very large part of what SEO is all about, but it’s not something that happens overnight. When done properly, sustainable SEO involves establishing authority for your website (through natural authority back links), associating your website as relevant for specific targeted search phrases, and should also cover non-SEO related elements such as improving the end user experience of your website.

It is critical that you understand where the lines cross over and how everything is connected to establish a powerful web presence; that information can all be found in a routine SEO audit.

#3: Because you might find information that has been missing from your reports.

Even if you have hired an honest SEO person, they may still be excluding some negative information from your reports. Performing your own SEO audit provides insight into the full picture—the good and the bad.

Now keep in mind that it might not be grounds for elimination when you find info that was excluded. Simply point out the problem, ask for a recommended solution, and be sure to follow through to ensure that the appropriate actions are taken to resolve any known issues.

What If You Don’t Have The Time or Knowledge To Do Your Own SEO Audit?

The best option is to do an SEO audit yourself, as it allows you more control over what information to look at and which tools are used. However, if this is not an ideal option for you then it might help to seek a “free SEO audit” that requires minimal effort and time. There are plenty of websites and service providers who will offer a limited report that provides insight into certain elements, and you can compare that information against the reports delivered by your SEO person to check for accuracy.

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