Prepare For The Next Google Penguin Recovery

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VIEWS: 7678 Views CATEGORY: SEO READING TIME: 2 Min To Read UPLOADED ON: 05 Jul 2013

If you find yourself panicking over Penguin 2.0, or maybe even dreading the inevitable future updates, chances are high that you’re questioning if SEO is even worth the efforts.

Ordinarily, one might advise you that there’s nothing to worry about as long as you do things right. Unfortunately, this doesn’t always seem to be the case because many websites are affected even though they consistently publish fresh content, build relevant backlinks manually, and abiding by strict guidelines regarding keyword usage.

First of all… breathe!

Google’s algorithm updates cause panic, even before you know what’s going to change. It’s tiresome to have to worry if all your hard work will be in vain.

Seriously, don’t panic. You might do something you regret!

Most of the websites affected by any changes in search engine algorithms are only affected because there were some black hat SEO strategies used. It may have been inadvertently, but that doesn’t matter. Maybe you accidentally hired the wrong “professional”, and now you’re paying for it. That’s the risk you take because black hat strategies work in an aggressive way but not a sustainable one.

Whenever a new update is released by Google, you can bet that several “Google Penguin Recovery systems” will be released, and they are designed to prey on the desperation of those who were affected. Needless to say, don’t give in to the temptation… it’s probably going to backfire down the road.

At the same time, don’t feel that you need to give up either!

h1>Instead, re-evaluate your priorities.
If you’ve ever made a decision that was meant to get on the front page of Google search results quickly, that was your first mistake. Taking shortcuts is not going to provide real security. It might work today, but if you want peace of mind tomorrow… do things the right way.

There are four major components that you should be looking at:

  • Publish quality content. You should understand that this content is published for your audience, and not search engines. If your audience enjoys your content, search engines will consider your website valuable. This simply can’t be faked or manipulated so keep it useful, valuable, and engaging!
  • Authoritative backlinks of the highest quality. There are some reputable link building services out there, but be very wary of using them. Always be sure that you know how your links are being published because spammy backlinks will hurt you more than they will help.
  • Social marketing. It’s not about marketing, it’s about engaging. Be active and effective, because the rewards are tremendous.
  • Maintain ethical SEO on and off-site.

Finally, clean up shop and get rid of any SEO contractors that have been hurting your reputation.

If you hope to run a successful business on the web, fire anyone who’s willing to run your credibility into the ground.

It’s harsh, but that simple.

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