9 Effective Persuasive Writing Techniques and Strategies

There isn’t any doubt that writing is an essential skill. The ability to write a persuasive piece of content can undoubtedly enhance your email communications, resume proposals, and other documents.
Therefore, you need to develop writing skills that can persuade the readers. You need to write in a way that the content must be presumed to be versatile.
Persuasive writing needs you to draw personal experiences; logical arguments appeal to provoke emotions, or compelling points to influence the readers.
There are different techniques and strategies used in persuasive writing.
Effective persuasion is dependent on the attention of your targeted audience. You cannot simply follow a traditional formula because it will not generate the desired results.
There is a need to explore different ways to assist you in coming up with great persuasive techniques.
The formulas are only part of the content, and you cannot rely upon the artificial structure alone. You would have to deploy different ways and techniques to formulate content that can persuade the readers.
The persuasion requires a broader understanding of using formulas for modifying the content strategically to make it according to the need and purpose of the audience.
What is Persuasive Writing?
Persuasive writing is considered to be argumentative writing for presenting logical arguments.
It should also have an emotional appeal to sway the readers to view things through a particular lens. The argumentative content elaborates both sides of the debate, and at the end, a conclusive persuasion expression is built to make the audience think the way you intend to.
Persuasive techniques appear in various forms of marketing. The advertisements are a typical persuasive text example.
It directly hits the audience by influencing them to buy a service or a product. You might have seen health magazines publishing content about must-try diets or other nutritional programs.
You can find a piece of persuasive writing everywhere, but carrying it out isn’t straightforward.
Importance of Persuasive Writing
Persuasive writing has always remained in demand around the world. Website copywriting, general branding, and advertising all rely on persuasive messages.
It helps you in convincing the customer to be associated with your company. Persuasive writing isn’t just about self-serving.
From the historical perspective, the persuasive piece of content has turned the tide for many social and political movements, especially since the invention of the printing press.
The persuasive techniques in essays are the ones that bring change in the beliefs of society.
In fact, by looking at the significant cultural, social, and political movements that started in the past were somehow influenced by persuasive writings.
Persuasion is essential whether you want to boost your coworkers' self-esteem or gain engaging traffic to your website.
If you use persuasive techniques, you will be able to get things done the right way.
Furthermore, written communication also plays a significant role in business development. Sending a memo or writing an email to the manager also falls under the persuasive text example.
Therefore, persuasion is an essential skill that everyone should possess. If you are in the sales domain, then demonstrating the practical techniques of writing a compelling proposal is necessary.
Your performance will be determined by how convincing you can be.
9 Effective Persuasive Writing Techniques and Strategies
To become an influential writer, you must possess a few persuasive techniques. Some of them are enlisted below:
1. Choose Words Wisely
Your choice of words profoundly impacts how the reader will presume your content. The words or phrases you choose will directly or indirectly influence the readers’ thoughts.
You can build up a personal relationship with the reader through persuasive writing. There is a need to pick the right words in every scenario to familiarise the reader with your perspective.
You need to make strong points in persuasive writing; therefore, you would have to state the things and avoid hedging.
Emotive language is a part of persuasive writing. You can use words and phrases that can describe your feelings. It will help you build a connection with the audience, which will be more sentimental.
Wordplays like puns, jokes, and rhymes make your reader remember things. They work as a good memory tool for helping the readers remember the key points of your central argument.
2. Adopt a Strong Writing Structure
Persuasive texts come in different formats. All of them come with their distinctive structure.
The layout depends on the formats. Persuasive essays, advertisement texts, flyers, reviews, and letters fall under the umbrella of persuasive text examples.
Before starting persuasive writing, there is a need to see these structures in action. To do this, you need to adopt a strong writing structure.
Make sure to have a consistent writing style in the content. There is also a need to have a uniform system of content.
You cannot afford to make your content a pendulum between opposite ends.
Finally, there is a need to make a strong structure for getting the audience to engage with your content.
When you have a strong writing structure for your content, you can use an Online Text Editor to make it more readable.
3. Draw a Persuasion Map
The persuasion map works as an outline of your argument; it helps you design a writing device that allows writers to organize their thoughts.
Persuasive writing comes in different styles. The popular one is to list down the main points and then provide evidence and examples to back up your points.
The persuasion map works perfectly for people who need to improve at keeping track of ideas when writing for an audience.
In addition, the persuasion map will help you write down the outline, so you can keep an eye on what to include and what is irrelevant.
4. Adopt a Conversational Tone
The writer's relationship with the reader is essential and significant, especially when it comes to persuasive writing. One of those strategies is to speak directly to the reader. You can address them directly to make a close bond with them.
If you are addressing the reader directly, it is undoubtedly an effective strategy in writing.
You need to make your writing more of a conversation. The conversation tone will encourage the reader to lower their defences and consider your points with a broad mind.
5. Write a Clear Thesis Statement
A thesis statement will always be present whether you're writing a persuasive essay, a research paper, or an article.
Some helpful tips for writing a good thesis statement make it easy to express your ideas.
It's important to write concisely so that your thesis statement is something that the reader can understand clearly.
Always ensure your content is original and well-researched, as the user appreciates well-written and original content.
If you're concerned about plagiarism and the originality of your paper, you can hire a proofreader or get assistance from an online free plagiarism checker. Avoid using too complex words to reach a wider audience.
6. Repeat Your Main Arguments
Repetition of points is a classic technique in persuasive writing. It helps you to get the ideas into the heads of your readers.
There isn’t any doubt that repetition works as a memory aid. The more something gets read, the more chances they will remember it.
Therefore, readers' perception is influenced when it comes to persuasive writing.
If you repeat an idea repeatedly, then it will be normalized. However, it needs to be combined with rationality and substantial evidence.
Repetition can make radical ideas seem more grounded if your arguments are strong.
7. Emphasize Your Point
There is an option for you to exaggerate the point to express urgency and exclusivity.
It is a great way to make a persuasive argument. You also need to remember that hyperbolic statements aren’t the ones that should be taken into their literal meanings.
They are the one that contains a profound and impactful message.
If you want to persuade a reader not to go to a restaurant, you can argue, "Their bad service can nearly starve you to death.” The notion is likely untrue, but it still carries a clear statement and vivid picture of what you want to convey.
In the marketing domain, the classic example could be the slogan of Disney, “The Happiest Place on Earth.” The statement is hyperbolic but creates a desirable feeling among the targeted audience.
8. Ask Questions
The questions are great for transitioning from one paragraph or topic to another.
However, in persuasive writing, they serve in a better way. If you write down a question, the readers will instinctively try to answer, whether they know the answer or not.
If you are into writing down a persuasive piece of content, engaging the reader through questions is a great strategy.
You can use the questions to plant ideas into the mind of the readers and then lead them straight to the conclusion.
There could be another case where if you have presented an idea with a clear structure and argument, then putting down a question can lead the reader to reach a conclusion, which is the ultimate point of persuasive writing.
9. Include Analytical Information
As we mentioned earlier, provoking emotions is the key to persuasive writing. There might be a case where a particular segment of your audience might be inclined toward analytical data.
Many products and services aren’t geared toward emotional vulnerabilities. Even trying to provoke emotion, you need to back it up with complex data analytics like facts and figures to strengthen the argument.
Additionally, the best way to do this is by providing irrefutable evidence and presenting your solution as the best possible option to your prospective consumer.
Some readers and users are more inclined toward analytical data, and providing them with leads gets their attention. You can also engage them with your content.
Bottom Line
Writing persuasive text seems to be easy, but it isn’t. There is a need to master the skill by continuously practising the craft.
Convincing the reader is an integral part of a persuasive piece of content. It is the primary measure that determines the success of your writing.
You must develop a story to engage the readers with your content. If your content is only informative, then you need it won’t work.
Story-telling is essential for awakening imagination. It also helps in making the content relatable to the reader.
Therefore, you need to adopt a writing style that can convince the reader to read further and incept ideas and thoughts into their mind.
In this blog post, we have discussed successful persuasive writing strategies. So stay tuned to SmallSEOTools to get familiar with exciting stuff.