The tech world of its own, Microsoft had been thinking to eliminate its popular Paint app from Windows 10, but we have finally heard the good news from the company. The software creator company had been warning its users for months that in the new updated version of Windows 10, Paint would be removed. And, those warnings had gone astray in the most recent windows 10 May 2019 Update (1903).
When we almost expected the change to be made soon, Brandon LeBlanc, a senior program manager for Windows at Microsoft confirmed “Yes, MS Paint will be included in 1903,” He further added, “It’ll remain included in Windows 10 for now.”
Many of us had roamed and used Microsoft Paint when the internet connection was not available or perhaps just for fun. It might be one of the first applications we used on our computers. That is why this pre-installed application Microsoft Paint is loved by many and the dedicated users will be happy to hear that the most straightforward graphics editor has been allowed a grant to stay in the windows family.
LeBlanc didn’t mention at all that why Microsoft was considering the MS Paint to be removed, but it’s apparent that Paint will no longer be removed from Windows 10 in the near future. Microsoft previously distinct the Paint as “deprecated”, which showed it wasn’t in active development under the new upgrade of Windows, but it is not clear whether it would be removed in future releases of Windows. The initial plan by the company was to make it available as a free optional download from the Microsoft Store and to exclude it from the Windows 10.
As stated previously, the reason MS Paint remains so admired and appreciated by the Windows community is the reason that it's always available beforehand whenever you need to make simpler changes like quickly adjust or produce a digital image. Undoubtedly, there are alternatives available for image editing, but they aren't handy and simple to use and therefore may not always be the best option.