How to Create a Distinct Company Brand

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VIEWS: 7072 Views CATEGORY: SEO READING TIME: 3 Min To Read UPLOADED ON: 15 May 2015

An important part of online marketing is establishing your personal brand. After all, there’s no point in promoting your brand and getting people to fall in love with it, if no-one is going to make the right associations between your brand and your product. Optimizing your outreach to target markets generally involves the optimization of content, social media profiles and more, to make sure that you’re discoverable – easy to share, and impossible to forget. How you choose to show yourself to the world from an online perspective, and what you to say to others will have a significant impact on anyone that you come into contact with. If the experience you provide to your customers is a positive one, then you’re more likely to establish rewards for your company.

Step 1: Be Easy to Find

For your personal brand to impact your career, target audience, or company, your online content and social media profiles need to be simple enough to find. This means that you should be taking steps to ensure that when your market searches for your name, or looks for someone like you, with your expertise and experience, they find you in the search results. Do some research straight away by typing your name or industry into google and finding out what comes up. If you’re happy with the results, then you should be all right, at least for a while – until your competitors improve. On the other hand, if you’re not happy with what comes up, you’re going to have to do some SEO work.

Step 2: Be Tempting to Share

Make sure that the content you’re offering your audience is useful, and you can be sure that they’ll end up sharing your wisdom, or entertainment with others. Whatever your niche may be, make sure that you’re not writing content that leaves your audience wondering what the point was. Be generous with the expertise that you clearly have, and use it in such a way that your information has a significant value. Online, this might mean that you need to think carefully about the type of language you use on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook so that your posts stand out from the other social media noise.

Step 3: Be Impossible to Forget

Making sure that you stay active and engaging online with useful, compelling posts will be a great step in making your brand one remember – however, you shouldn’t expect success to happen overnight. Cultivating a successful brand for your company takes a lot of effort and time. Although keeping tabs on how you present yourself can be difficult, once you start to recognize the rewards, you’ll be happy that you’ve taken the time.

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