How to Check For Plagiarism Online ?

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VIEWS: 43235 Views CATEGORY: SEO READING TIME: 9 Min To Read UPLOADED ON: 04 Feb 2019

Writing an article, a research paper, an assignment, or an essay can never be completed without checking its uniqueness. And with the alarming rate of plagiarism cases, it's become essential to check content duplication with the help of a free plagiarism checker.

Your readers expect to get something fresh and unique from you every time, whether you're writing a blog post for an online audience, a term paper to your professor, or any type of content.

What happens if you deliver, submit, or publish plagiarized content, whether knowingly or unknowingly? Well, your credibility plummets. Your audience suddenly starts doubting your once revered “authority”. And if you're a student, you end up losing scores. That's why you need to check the duplication of your writing.

In this quick guide, we will show you how to check for plagiarism online, but let's first go into the nitty-gritty of plagiarism so you can get a clearer picture of it.

What is Plagiarism?

In its simplest terms, plagiarism is the act of taking another person's or organization's written work or idea and passing it off as yours. Bad practice!

Plagiarism happens when someone:

  • steals and passes off people’s ideas as your own
  • uses another’s hard work with no credit given to the source
  • presents as original or new an idea or work derived from a previously existing source.

Additionally, U.S classifies the following as a definition of plagiarism:

  • The duplication of an author's words without quotation marks and accurate references or footnotes.
  • The author's words or phrases are duplicated with footnotes or accurate references but without quotation marks.
  • The use of an author's ideas in paraphrase without accurate references or footnotes
  • Submitting a paper in which exact words are just rearranged even though footnoted

An Age-old  Problem in A Modern World

Plagiarism is not new; it only became popular because of the Internet.

How? Thanks to the ever-increasing global Internet access, anybody can now easily copy and paste texts as theirs. All they need to do is a little Google search.

This implies that anyone can easily plagiarise these days, whether purposefully or not, given that they now have access to thousands of petabytes of content on the web.

That becomes a problem for everyone. For example, if you publish content online and someone ends up taking your content, there's the possibility that your hitherto original content can pass off as a duplicate. Although Google is smart enough to know which content was published first, the downside remains as the copied content can outrank yours, and your audience may not know you own the content. If you are the one publishing plagiarised work (say a guest contributor sent it), your website can get penalized. 

Who Should Consider Conducting Duplication Checks?

Duplication checking is important:

  1. If you are a teacher or professor who's fed up with students mailing you assignments and essays they copied. 
  2. If you're a content agency or online publisher who cannot vouch for the authenticity of the articles submitted by your contributors. 
  3. If you're a blog owner, web entrepreneur, or an author who hires freelance writers to create content for you.

As long as you are dealing with written content that is expected to be “original”, you need an online duplication checker to verify your content's originality and uniqueness.

We are living in an “information overload” age. Every day, at least 4 million blog posts are published. Social media allows billions of people to post billions of user-generated content daily. Check duplication of your articles, essays, and dissertations against all these billions of content pieces roving the Internet.

If your work has been flagged as plagiarized after checking you must make it plagiarism-free. Removing plagiarism isn’t just about changing a couple of words. The simplest approach to address this issue is by using a paraphrasing tool online. This tool reshapes an existing text and makes it unique while retaining its original context.

The Best Online Plagiarism Detection Tool

There are many plagiarism detection tools online, but the one we recommend is the free plagiarism checker by

This tool provides reliable and accurate results. That's why it is used and recommended by everyone. The tool allows you to check any piece of content to be sure that it is unique and will not get penalized by any search engine.

Here are some of the benefits it offers:

  • Access to a vast database: Search the whole of the Internet to stack up your content against every possible content piece on the web. 
  • Indicates the plagiarized parts: Highlights the parts of your content that are plagiarized with red color.
  • The percentage is indicated: Shows the percentage of content that is plagiarized and unique.

How to Check for Plagiarism Free?

With this tool, you can check to ensure your content is 100% original in just a few minutes for entirely free. The tool is user-friendly and saves time.

  1. Copy/paste or upload content directly from your computer in file extensions like DOCX, DOC, and TXT, or even choose from your Google Drive or Dropbox.
  2. On each check, you can feed up to 1000 words.
  3. After adding content press the button, and the checker will run through your text line by line for similarities between the content and the billions of pages online. 

Bottom Line

If you're a business that hires content creators, a teacher who demands assignments and essays from students, or anyone who works with content, must check their content uniqueness. Avoid using the content of others because plagiarism detection is too easy these days due to the availability of online tools.


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