Whether you are running on a shoestring budget to launch a start up business or you’re just a cheap business owner, the temptation is there to head to Fiverr and buy the services you need for $5/gig.
Examples of what you can buy for the price of a gallon of gas include, but are not limited to:
If you have no problem going cheap on the previously described services, then you might also refer to yourself as a “serial entrepreneur” which is just an optimistic way of saying that none of your businesses have been successful yet.
The success behind every business growth is authentic passion and dedication. Before launching a business you care about, you want to build a brand that matters. This involves a logo that conceptualizes the visual identity and creates the emotional impact that you want your target audience to associate with your business.
You can’t buy that for $5. A cheap logo is something you churn out because your website needs a logo… but it’s a website you don’t really care about.
The same can be said for any of the other services described. Quality is not something you can fake. The ratings on a Fiverr provider only tell you how successful their work is with other cheap clients, but the only way you can launch a business that will grow is by caring enough to actually invest in it.
Anything else is a waste of money… and it doesn’t matter how little you wasted.