Best Practices for Writing Better Blogs

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VIEWS: 6690 Views CATEGORY: SEO READING TIME: 2 Min To Read UPLOADED ON: 28 Nov 2014

This article focuses on the foundational skills it takes to be a quality blog or article writer, so the information is not intended for those who consider themselves existing professionals. You may find a tip or two that you don’t already know.

Understand that few of your readers are actually going to read what you write.

This is why great blogs are broken up into sections, use images to support a point, and rely on headers & lists to break up complex points that are important to know.

The best blogs are written so wonderfully that readers are automatically pulled from every statement to the next. As writers, this is our goal to accomplish. But let’s be honest… sometimes a person is just too busy to read it all. So we must make sure everything we publish on the web is scannable in such a way that the skimmers can take in what matters.

Use short sentences. Also, use short paragraphs.

It’s just so much easier to read and absorb information that is shortened.

Longer, run-on sentences like this particular one right here might be more intimidating to look at and that doesn’t make you want to read the information provided within that sentence.

But short sentences are more inviting. Like this one.

Pro Tip: You can write better quality, plagiarism-free content with the help of a rewording tool. It consists of a wide database of synonyms that polish an existing text with suitable vocabulary and provide you with a better variation.

Get to the point.

Stop thinking you have to write an article to be so many words. Instead, write your article to make a point and execute your point as efficiently as possible.

To pick the perfect title, you should make at least 20 perfect titles to be sure. Enough said. Strong opening lines are almost just as important.

The title is the bait that lures readers in, the opening lines are the hook that set their interest.

Use positive language.

The average person has too much negativity in their life. To avoid dwelling on the negative aspects of the business (downfalls in the economy, trash-talking competitors, etc.) you should create a positive impact that people will remember.

Write about how you talk.

Pretend you’re having a two-sided conversation, not a monologue, and communicate with your reader directly.

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