If you don’t know what you want, how are you ever going to get it? Goals should be concrete, measurable, and achievable.
Examples of goals: build your brand identity, increase brand awareness and attract new customers, customer support, and audience engagement.
One of the many perks of using social media is that you can gain insight into how your best customers think. But before you begin, you should already have a sense of who your target audience is, focusing on influencers, buyers, and end users. You should know where your audience is because not everyone is on Facebook.
If you post about anything and everything, it can be very confusing. Choose 3-5 main topics that you want to be associated with. Choose the topics that ignite emotion (thus- audience engagement).
On one hand, you want to claim your identity on every network possible because it can get messy if you leave your online identity available to be created by somebody else.
p class="none">But if this is not a concern for you, try starting with a small realistic goal to master one network before you even think about adding another. The decision to keep it simple is a relief for those who aren’t in the position of a dedicated social media manager yet feel pressured to act like those who do.
If you are the one who has to update Facebook, then your time might be better spent on more important things than adding Twitter to the mix.
Tip- Use existing communications (email, signs in your store, newsletters, etc.) to encourage people who already like you to make it Facebook official. You can get people to like you by ensuring originality in your content. Replication or duplication is hated the most by the audience; hence, you should stay away from it in any case. You can take the assistance of a reverse image search utility to ensure your images aren’t available on any other source over the web. It will allow you to keep yourself away from using someone else’s images without their consent.
Decide who will handle social media engagement. Set limitations for social media use. I wouldn’t say to plan on posting 3 times a day, 5 days a week because that’s not organic… especially planning your posts ahead of time. But I would say to have a sense of how much time spent on social media is too much.
This is always based on your unique, concrete goals. Don’t just wing it!