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4 Ways to Measure your Digital Marketing Success

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VIEWS: 6357 Views CATEGORY: SEO READING TIME: 3 Min To Read UPLOADED ON: 06 Feb 2015

As a company or individual dedicated to the concept of marketing, you need to show evidence of how influential your campaigns can be through ROI (return on investment) and website conversions.

Evaluating the extent to which your marketing efforts succeed has long been essential to promoting a business. With good statistical evidence, you can cut down on the actions that are not having a positive impact on your website and enhance those that are. Fortunately, several technologies can be utilised to access this data and know which ones you should use to optimise your budget. The following five methods are recognised as some of the most beneficial ways of assessing your marketing success.

PPC and SEO tools

Currently, most companies involved with online marketing will use PPC and SEO measurement to ensure that they’re getting the most out of the search engine presence they have generated. Technologies are available online that allow marketers to see whether they are selecting the best keywords for their company so that it is possible to optimise click-through rates and, ultimately, conversion.

Web Analytics

Various web analytic tools, such as Google’s Analytics, are currently being relied upon by approximately 56% of businesses. Google Analytics allows you to track the activity of visitors that turn up at your website and find out where they came from and when they left. Analytic tools such as this are helping marketers worldwide boost their online presence by changing how websites and consumers interact.

Responsive Websites

Over recent years, the rise of smartphones has ensured that marketers everywhere must be prepared to go mobile if they want to achieve online success. With so many people relying upon smartphones to provide information faster than ever, marketers are beginning to realise just how important having a responsive website is. If your website cannot keep up with smartphone use, then you’re undoubtedly being left behind by your competitors. Measurement within this area is rising significantly, demonstrating mobile service's impact on your ROI.

Customer Management

Several online CRM (customer relationship management) solutions available today can provide information about where your conversions come from. You may not realise it, but being able to track prospective customers through their entire sales cycle can be incredibly valuable. The more data you acquire on a lead as it moves through your website, the more you will be able to improve your future lead generation.

Using all of these tools correctly can provide you with a wide range of data that can demonstrate the effectiveness of your marketing strategies. When you can back your results up with data-driven, strong marketing, your business will move ever closer to success.


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