Education has become an essential part of life. The modern educational environment is focused on two main elements; research and productivity. Academic institutions assess these elements through assignments, research papers, and dissertations. The main objective of this assessment technique is to prepare students for professional life. Various professions require research and productivity for optimum results. The main goal of the educational learning process is to prepare students for such endeavors in their lives. Unfortunately, many students don’t take this process seriously and often become a victim of procrastination. It generally happens because of the lack of writing productivity.
There could be several reasons behind this lack of productivity. Hence, students must take the help of some habits and tools to enhance their productivity. Therefore, we have gathered some valuable details about a few helpful tools to help such students improve their writing productivity.
If you are a student and looking to overcome the procrastination issue and increase your writing productivity, this blog can help you greatly. So, without any further ado, let’s see which tools can be used to increase writing productivity.
It is often observed that many students face writing productivity issues because of weak grammar. They fail to structure sentences rightly in their writing. Moreover, they find it challenging to use the proper tenses. Students who get an education in their second language are the primary victims of this issue.
Grammatical errors in academic writing can change the entire meaning of a sentence or paragraph, resulting in lower grade points. This scenario makes students afraid of writing and directly affects their writing productivity. However, there is no need to worry about these issues anymore. Students can use an effective online grammar checker to spot grammatical errors in their writing. Such a tool allows them to not only identify errors but also correct them.
Another issue that limits the writing productivity of students is their inability to ensure proper spelling while writing their academic tasks. This issue is faced by students who are native speakers and those who are getting their education in other languages. The problem generally arises because of different pronunciations of words. Students don’t face any difficulty while speaking those words, but they face issues while writing such words. Moreover, several words are pretty similar, and a single spelling mistake can change the meaning of an entire phrase.
The best way to avoid spelling mistakes of similar words is to use an efficient online spell checker. Such a tool will spot spelling issues in writing and rectify them according to the language and particular accent selected by the user. Hence, Spell Checker helps students to control spelling mistakes in their writing without spending much effort and time.
Plagiarism is yet another issue that continues to limit the writing productivity of many students. Plagiarism is the act of taking someone else’s words, ideas, or viewpoints and presenting them as yours. Many students plagiarize their assignments and other academic write-ups unintentionally. This unintentional plagiarism occurs because they take the help of various resources to obtain content or data relevant to their assignments. However, they fail to state the obtained facts and figures in their own words. Additionally, they fail to figure out duplication in their content because of their inability to find a competent online plagiarism detector.
An online plagiarism checker with AI support and an extensive database can help them find any duplication in their content. They just need to ensure that the tool they choose can help them access the URLs of matching sources for an in-depth comparison. Make sure it also offers bilingual support.
As mentioned earlier, plagiarism can be a big hurdle between students and their goal of achieving writing productivity. This is due to the inclusion of patches of plagiarism in his writings. Simply put, failure to manually eliminate plagiarism by rewriting plagiarized content can lead to the inclusion of additional errors.
The best way to avoid such a scenario and eliminate plagiarized patches from the content is through an online paraphrasing tool. This utility can scan content thoroughly and understand its meaning. After successfully understanding the meaning it rewrites the content without changing its actual meaning. An efficient paraphraser will take the help of machine learning and an extensive synonym library to replace significant words with contextually meaningful synonyms.
Remembering facts or concepts you have seen or learned earlier while writing academic assignments can be a challenging and time-taking task. Many students need help remembering the concepts, facts, and figures while writing assignments and, resultantly, fail to come up with quality write-ups.
You can come over this issue by taking the necessary notes. However, it doesn’t mean you must carry a pen and notepad. Evernote is an online tool that can help you take notes whenever and wherever you want to take notes. It is accessible through plenty of devices.
You may have heard the name of this website before. This whole website is helpful if you want to increase your vocabulary. Many students fail to reflect their ideas perfectly in their academic assignments because they lack vocabulary.
This website helps you discover various words to add to your vocabulary. Additionally, it enables you to learn multiple synonyms and antonyms of different words. You can also play word games here to enhance your vocabulary and consequently increase your writing productivity.
Another problem often faced by students while writing assignments is their inability to pay attention to the task they are working on. It happens because of too many distractions surrounding them.
Write Monkey is a perfect solution for this purpose. This tool can launch full-screen mode for students to help them focus on their tasks and avoid distractions that can grab their attention. Additionally, it comes equipped with beneficial side perks like encyclopedias, dictionaries, and word stats, so that students can keep working in the full-screen mode without feeling the need to discontinue it.
As a student, writing productivity is essential if you want to submit quality academic assignments and write-ups and get more grade points. However, many students face difficulty putting their 100% into academic writing tasks because of a lack of productivity. These students need external help in the form of a few useful tools to enhance their writing productivity. We have discussed a few tools in this blog to help them do so.