Outage Of Facebook: Cyber Attack - Change in Server Configuration?

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The Massive Outage Of Facebook: Cyber Attack or Change in Server Configuration?


It’s Wednesday, March 14, 2019, and people are asking each other via G Talk, Twitter, and various other social networks, “Are you on Facebook? Is it working in your territory? I don’t see it alive for over 2 hours.” “What about Instagram? When did you post on it last time?”

Facebook faced the worse of its history, and all this ran for the better part of the day. And now the inner story is out. They say the outage was caused by a change made while configuring the main server. After a long wait, the giant of social networking announced officially:

“The issue has been resolved. Once again all of its alliance products are accessible and working smoothly.”

Moreover, the official of the company explained as:

“We are sorry for the problem faced by the fans around from the world and love to appreciate their patience for waiting to recover the FaceBook Family Apps”

According to CNN, the outage issue lasted for nearly 14 hours just out broke the sister alliances and properties owned by Facebook, the Instagram, and WhatsApp. There is another trustworthy website renowned globally the DownDetector that lets its users know the latest updates about the interruption of services offered by the site. The DownDetector says, firstly the Facebook server started to receive loads of reports each hour from around the world. Within a few hours, it peaked at over 15,000. After the rise of the issue, Facebook made its first contact with the public and addressed the problem.

They tweeted for getting thousands of complaints and reports from people who are facing trouble to access Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp. They promised to work consistently to resolve the problem on an emergency basis. They came back after about 11 hours.

If we throw a glance on Facebook history, we see that any sort of outage is very rare for Facebook. We find it as the second notable case in recent months. Last year, in November, the company was also in hot waters, facing a similar issue, when all Facebook family including WhatsApp and Instagram were not accessible for some users. The company justified the problem as the outcome of a “routine test.” 

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