Is Chat GPT Intelligent, Fake, or Dangerous?

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Is Chat GPT Intelligent, Fake, or Dangerous 1
VIEWS: 5447 Views CATEGORY: Tech READING TIME: 12 Min To Read UPLOADED ON: 27 May 2024

AI is making our lives easier in many cases. However, the opinions regarding AI and its future applications vary from person to person. While AI serves humanity in multiple ways, it constantly threatens the jobs of professionals in various fields. 

The capabilities of ChatGPT are not as simple as they may sound. It is developed to respond or act according to the given prompts or instructions by the user. It provides thought-provoking responses that surprise users.

People are using it for various purposes. Some people use it to generate content, while others use it to write codes for them in various programming languages.

This blog aims to discuss various possibilities of ChatGPT and whether we should be excited or afraid about it.

Working of ChatGPT

ChatGPT is a language model based on GPT-3, and it is meant to interact with people it aims to help or assist them in doing many tasks. Human AI trainers were also used to test their abilities to verify the response according to given instructions. 

After the testing, the data was fed to this Large Language Model (LLM), and its response pattern was fine-tuned for better performance. However, this AI language model is still learning, and the data fed to it ranges till 2021. Anything beyond 2021 is not in its dataset right now. The user input is processed first and then tokenized. Tokenization means the division of the text input into individual words.

After tokenization, the input is fed to the transformer neural network for word-by-word analysis. After analysis, all the possible outputs are assessed, and then the best output is given to the user.

Is ChatGPT Intelligent?

ChatGPT aims to emulate the workings and responses of artificial intelligence to human instructions. It can do various things for users. We will list a few tasks done by ChatGPT in response to the prompt provided by users. 

  • Generates text in response to prompts given by users.
  • Complete sentences that are left incomplete by users.
  • Answers questions asked by users.
  • Capable of summarizing a long block of text.
  • Translate text from one language to another.
  • Carry conversations with users as humans do.
  • Named entities based on clues provided by users. 
  • Understands various parts of speech and tag them.
  • Write codes in various programming languages.
  • Find bugs in codes and debug them.
  • Suggest party ideas, such as decoration and music.
  • Solve mathematical questions.

ChatGPT takes the help of AI and Machine Learning to perform various tasks for its users. Its intelligence can lead it to applications in various fields. Read on to learn more about these applications.

Real-time Customer Services

ChatGPT is exponentially better than other bots. It is a perfect tool to provide real-time customer services to users whenever they want. Considering the data it packs and the response pattern, it is reasonable to say that it will guide users better and more precisely. 

Content Creation and Summarization

ChatGPT can help people generate content and helps to summarize long blocks of text and make them easier to read for people. It can help users research various topics as it is fed with data from books, the web, articles, and even encyclopedias. Additionally, it can write explanatory content on various subjects like mathematics, physics, and programming.


ChatGPT can work wonders in the field of education. Students and teachers can take its help for several purposes. For example, students can find this application as a problem solver, automated tutor, and educator. On the other hand, teachers and educators who deliver their lectures can use ChatGPT to articulate easily understandable notes.

Coding and Testing

Considering the data packed by ChatGPT and its ability to write and understand codes, It is fair enough to state that debugging and coding can be done with it. It eventually helps IT companies save time, effort, and money. 

Why ChatGPT Sounds Dangerous?

People who know about the possibilities of AI, especially this particular LLM, cannot show any enthusiasm. The main reason behind this is the potential threats arising from ChatGPT. Here are some potential threats human beings will likely encounter because of ChatGPT. 

Rising Automation and Shortage of Jobs

One of the issues is that many people will likely lose their jobs because of automation brought by ChatGPT. 

Take the example of customer services; the chatbot can provide users with real-time correspondence and answer their queries 24/7. 

Moving on to the programming, ChatGPT is fed with enormous programming-related data. Its ability to write codes in various languages and figure out bugs in code can seriously threaten the livelihood of professionals working in programming and quality assurance. 

Easier Malware Creation

While OpenAI claims to have ChatGPT developed so that no one can use it for malicious activities, we can't believe its claims. It is undoubtedly an intelligent AI solution, but it is not intelligent enough to understand the twisting of words, and clever hackers can use it to create malware. The clever usage of ChatGPT can allow anyone to create customized malware and use it to hack into the systems of others. 

Spread of Misinformation and Biased Narratives

Another problem likely to happen because of the rise of ChatGPT is the spread of misinformation and biased narratives. The company that developed this Large Language Model, capable of creating generative content, fed data from billions of sources. 

No one can guarantee that all these sources feature accurate and unbiased information. The output distribution process performed by ChatGPT just before answering a query gathers all possible outputs and performs distribution to give the best answer. However, this output could be wrong because of misinformation or biased data. 

Content Creation Issues

ChatGPT sounds like an easy way to generate perfect content this could be problematic in many ways. ChatGPT will make students rely on it and forget about putting their effort into the process. It will help them cheat and get answers to the questions included in their assignments easily. 

To counter such issues teachers can use an AI Detector to check the authenticity of the student’s work. This process will encourage students to put in their effort and do research word for their assignments.

How Does ChatGPT Look Fake?

While we have discussed the intelligence and the dangers of ChatGPT, it is essential to understand how sometimes the responses given by ChatGPT look fake. In addition, there are some limitations of ChatGPT as well, let's read on to learn more about these limitations. 

Wordy or Irrelevant Answers

It is often observed that ChatGPT, when asked a question related to a topic it knows little about, will give you an answer that is not relevant or accurate. However, if you are proficient in that topic, you will understand that the answer is wordy, yet it doesn't contain the information that can be true. 

Faces Problems While Giving Creative Responses

ChatGPT cannot provide creative answers to various questions as humans do. It fails badly while telling a joke. You can create a scenario and ask it to tell you a joke that aligns with that particular scenario, and it will fail miserably. The same is the case with poetry and stories.  

Lacks Depth

Sometimes, the answers given by ChatGPT feature shallow words, and its responses lack depth. Therefore, you can't compare its response with the response given by humans. The problem generally occurs when users ask an ambiguous question from ChatGPT. No matter how intelligent, it can still not understand ambiguous phrases as humans do. Therefore, it will come up with answers that lack depth.

Should We Be Excited or Afraid?

We have discussed ChatGPT in detail and analyzed it from various perspectives, it is time to conclude that, "Should we be excited or afraid?". 

Some people will see it as a way to simplify their work and boost productivity, while others will see it as a potential threat to their livelihood. Both opinions somehow stand true. However, the ChatGPT will make the world a better place. It is because of the pattern of technological innovations. 

People worried about their livelihood because of ChatGPT should consider adding additional skills to their portfolio and stand tall against the consequent challenges. Moreover, they should also consider how such highly capable AI-powered tools can help them.

Hence, it is better to keep an eye out for the progress of ChatGPT and stay prepared for the AI surprises in the coming days! 


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