Tausif Akram
Founder / CEO
Profile Information
My vigorous career began with content management, but somehow, I managed to make my dream come true. I love my work would be an understatement. Today, I’m the founder/CEO of Content Arcade and SmallSEOTools.com. I like to spend most of my time in strategizing and implementing business plans, and when not doing that, I’m most likely traveling.
Full Name:
Tausif Akram
Display Name:
Tausif Akram
Job Title:
Founder / CEO
Content Arcade
Faisalabad - Pakistan
Type of Work:
CEO- Information Technology Business
Favorite Things:
Member Since:
May, 2022
Favorite Topics:
Business Practices
Advanced SEO
Performance Overview

100+ Skills to Put on Resume for Every Possible Career
Most in demand Soft and hard skills for every career. Learn how to highlight your skills on a resume. Make your resume stand out with relevant skills....

Learning of Students to Help Avoid Committing Plagiarism
Plagiarism is a serious form of cheating that impacts students and teachers. Everyone needs to learn how to spot and avoid plagiarism in academics....

How to Make a Content Marketing Calendar?
Do you want to learn how to make a content marketing calendar? Plan and organize your content marketing strategy using this step-by-step guide....

How to Formulate Interview [Discussion] Based Blog Posts?
Looking to write an interview-based blog post? Here's a helpful guide on formulating questions and structuring your post for maximum impact....

Podcast Cover Design Guide: What You Need to Know?
Having an attractive podcast cover art will help you attract your target audience. You can create a great podcast cover by following this guide!...

Consequences of Plagiarism for Students & Academics
If you're a student or academic, plagiarism can have serious consequences. Find out the potential plagiarism penalties and how to avoid them....

8 Innovative Digital Tools for Teachers and Students
Looking for innovative digital tools for the classroom? From online collaboration to managing your classroom, these tools will make learning more efficient....

9 Effective Persuasive Writing Techniques and Strategies
Are you looking for some persuasive writing techniques and strategies for writing an essay or report? Learn more to get your point across more effectively....