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Can Chatbots rewrite Books? The Rise of AI in Literature

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VIEWS: 3527 Views CATEGORY: Edu READING TIME: 15 Min To Read UPLOADED ON: 26 Jun 2023

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has taken everything by storm. It is quickly finding its feet in every of field, from business to traveling and academics to research. However, its inception in writing has sparked an interesting debate on whether AI will replace human authors shortly, and if not, then what’s the way forward. Some people think AI chatbots will soon be capable enough to generate content on any prompt. But, there is another group that thinks otherwise. Individuals belonging to this school of thought feel that despite AI's luxuries and facilities, it can never surpass the human intellect because it lacks emotions and depth. Some individuals believe it causes a rise in plagiarism. That's why it's crucial to use an online plagiarism checker to verify content originality and prevent any potential issues.

This blog post will dissect the standing of AI in literature when it comes to writing books in light of its progress and its futuristic dimensions.

AI in Literature: Partial Revamp or Total Transformation of Books 

With the emergence of chatbots like ChatGPT, and Google Bard, there has been a significant change in how writing is perceived across the board. Let’s first see how chatbots generally work to carry forward the discussion.

Working and Benefits of Chatbots

Chatbots are programs that are designed to perform different types of text-related operations. Some can produce content on a topic as per your commands within seconds. You can get useful information on any topic with their help. A couple of examples of such tools are ChatGPT and Google Bard. 

These AI models have huge datasets enabling them to generate unique and compact content without any external help. These services have changed the dynamics of content production upside down. Using them, anyone can produce content on a topic without having any prior information related to that. 

The other types of chatbots are helpful in writing procedures are article rewriters. These tools assist users in rewriting any content piece like a pro. The best thing about an article rewriter is its ability to keep the context and content relevancy intact. So, you can use it to modify the content produced by ChatGPT and Google Bard. This will enable you to amend your content and word structure per your likeness and target audience.

Rewrite text like a pro

All these features facilitate the writers with numerous advantages. For example, they can help them produce content quickly, helping them save time and effort in research and writing. Additionally, their content is usually free of grammatical errors, so writers don’t have to spend much time proofreading their articles. Moreover, they can help overcome writer’s block as different ideas can be yielded using ChatGPT.

Nevertheless, despite all these positives and features, there are certain limitations that these tools have. Therefore, they can’t be trusted thoroughly to rewrite books from scratch. In the next section, we will see the boundaries of AI chatbots.

Limitations of AI Chatbots

When it comes to the limitations, a couple of factors that make AI chatbots more of writing assistants than actual writers are their lack of creativity and authenticity. They don't have an in-depth understanding of the emotions and cultures like human writers. 

Hence, these chatbots can produce content on generic topics but can't produce content enriched with emotions and social context. Moreover, they can't transcend or go outside the box of the datasets fed to them. Therefore, the stories they weave sound monotonous, and shallow arguments can be singled out easily in their generated content. Consequently, when you read the content, most of the time, it feels like it does not have any context.

That's where the value of human writers becomes matchless as they can integrate emotional touch and rich context into any story or content. Therefore, it is right to say that Chatbots can help in rewriting chunks from books, but they can't rewrite them thoroughly. Instead of that, you will need the help of an expert writer to bridge the gap between different parts of a book to unify its chapter and bring coherence to the book's text from start to end.

Nonetheless, recently, Chatbots like ChatGPT and Google Bard is being used to produce all types of content, including poems, articles, short stories, and whatnot? But, some serious concerns have been raised by numerous entities on the standing of the content of these chatbots.

Issues with AI-Generated Content

Some serious question marks have been out on the legitimacy and the value of the literary content generated by AI by authorities and public figures. They feel it is devaluing the art of writing and giving birth to mediocrity. Moreover, they inquire who owns the literature produced using this approach, whether it belongs to the developers of the chatbots or people who draft it.

But, the proponents of AI content feel that it is democratizing the writing process by allowing writers at the periphery and giving them a chance to write how they feel. Therefore, it is not easy to take any side for now, but the debate is alive for the upcoming few years. However, one thing is clear chatbots and writers are interconnected today, as one can’t stand without the other.

Final Remarks

AI chatbots are revolutionary that has made writing easy and smooth. However, thinking of them as a replacement for human writers is nothing less than living in a fool’s paradise. Similarly, not embracing them is another mistake writers should not commit because this will leave them far behind in the race for the future. One must use chatbots as facilitators to enhance productivity and efficiency instead of thinking of them as messiahs or useless things respectively.


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