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How to Use Our Binary Converter?

You can convert any value to binary by following these simple steps.

  • Enter the value you want to convert in another format.
  • Click on the “Convert” button to start the conversion.
  • The tool will instantly process your request and convert the input to your desired format.
  • Now, you can copy the binary code or click the download button to save the file on your device.

SmallSEOTools Binary Number Converter

The manual way of binary conversion is challenging and time-consuming. However, now you can effortlessly change any value into binary with our binary code converter.

100% Accurate

The advanced binary converter uses AI technology to convert input into your desired format. The backend algorithms work on your entered value and provide 100% accurate conversion results.

Fast Conversion

Our binary number converter doesn’t consume extra time to process your input value. The high technology makes our tool the fastest way to convert values to binary digits. The binary converter processes your submitted values and provides you with results instantly.

Floating-Point Conversion

This binary converter can convert floating point values with zero chance of errors. This unique feature makes it ideal for changing any value into binary or binary data into another number system.

All Devices Compatibility

There is no need to acquire any particular device for converting to binary value. Our binary code converter supports all devices, including smartphones, tablets, personal computers, and laptops.

User-Friendly Interface

The online binary converter has a user-friendly interface makes it the perfect option for users to convert a binary to text, hexadecimal, or vice versa. You only need to follow the simple instructions, and you can convert to binary or other number systems.

Key Reasons for Using Binary Converter

SmallSEOTools binary number converter is a highly valuable tool that enables its users to solve all problems related to binary conversion. Below are some major reasons for using this binary code converter.

Understanding Computer Language

Binary language is the only digit system understandable for computers. Computers learn information only in the form of 0s and 1s. So, anyone wanting to learn computer languages must use our binary number converter.

Efficient Programming

Programmers often need to process data in binary format while working in low-level operations. The binary converter helps them to switch data into binary and manage their tasks conveniently.


The binary number converter is a great resource that can aid you in detecting errors in any binary data. This binary convert utility can be used for various mathematical and logical operations within digital circuits. Moreover, computer architectures can take the help of this binary converter to verify the values stored in registers and check if they contain any errors.

Major Users of Binary Converter

The binary number converter is a top-notch tool that helps people from almost every field of life. The major users that require binary conversion are mentioned below.


Programmers use this web-based binary converter to translate text into machine language. This tool helps programmers working on tech-based projects convert binary code into understandable data.


Boolean algebra is an integral field of mathematics. Students often need to complete assignments relevant to binary data. Our binary number converter helps them in performing their tasks perfectly.

IT Professionals

Users associated with the IT field often need to work with binary data. Our binary converter online helps them manage their binary data and change it into any required number system efficiently.

SmallSEOTools Binary Conversion Chart

Decimal Binary Hexadecimal ASCII Hex
0 00000000 00 NUL 00
1 00000001 01 SOH 01
2 00000010 02 STX 02
3 00000011 03 ETX 03
4 00000100 04 EOT 04
5 00000101 05 ENQ 05
6 00000110 06 ACK 06
7 00000111 07 BEL 07
8 00001000 08 BS 08
9 00001001 09 HT 09
10 00001010 0A LF 0A
11 00001011 0B VT 0B
12 00001100 0C FF 0C
13 00001101 0D CR 0D
14 00001110 0E SO 0E
15 00001111 0F SI 0F
16 00010000 10 DLE 10
17 00010001 11 DC1 11
18 00010010 12 DC2 12
19 00010011 13 DC3 13
20 00010100 14 DC4 14
21 00010101 15 NAK 15
22 00010110 16 SYN 16
23 00010111 17 ETB 17
24 00011000 18 CAN 18
25 00011001 19 EM 19
26 00011010 1A SUB 1A
27 00011011 1B ESC 1B
28 00011100 1C FS 1C
29 00011101 1D GS 1D
30 00011110 1E RS 1E
31 00011111 1F US 1F
32 00100000 20 Space 20
33 00100001 21 ! 21
34 00100010 22 " 22
35 00100011 23 # 23
36 00100100 24 $ 24
37 00100101 25 % 25
38 00100110 26 & 26
39 00100111 27 ' 27
40 00101000 28 ( 28
41 00101001 29 ) 29
42 00101010 2A * 2A
43 00101011 2B + 2B
44 00101100 2C , 2D
45 00101101 2D - 2E
46 00101110 2E . 2F
47 00101111 2F / 30
48 00110000 30 0 31
49 00110001 31 1 32
50 00110010 32 2 33
51 00110011 33 3 34
52 00110100 34 4 35
53 00110101 35 5 36
54 00110110 36 6 37
55 00110111 37 7 38
56 00111000 38 8 39
57 00111001 39 9 3A
58 00111010 3A : 3B
59 00111011 3B ; 3C
60 00111100 3C 3D
61 00111101 3D = 3E
62 00111110 3E 3F
63 00111111 3F ? 40
64 01000000 40 @ 41
65 01000001 41 A 42
66 01000010 42 B 43
67 01000011 43 C 44
68 01000100 44 D 45
69 01000101 45 E 46
70 01000110 46 F 47
71 01000111 47 G 48
72 01001000 48 H 49
73 01001001 49 I 4A
74 01001010 4A J 4B
75 01001011 4B K 4C
76 01001100 4C L 4D
77 01001101 4D M 4E
78 01001110 4E N 4F
79 01001111 4F O 50
80 01010000 50 P 51
81 01010001 51 Q 52
82 01010010 52 R 53
83 01010011 53 S 54
84 01010100 54 T 55
85 01010101 55 U 56
86 01010110 56 V 57
87 01010111 57 W 58
88 01011000 58 X 59
89 01011001 59 Y 5A
90 01011010 5A Z 5B
91 01011011 5B [ 5C
92 01011100 5C \ 5D
93 01011101 5D ] 5E
94 01011110 5E ^ 5F
95 01011111 5F _ 60
96 01100000 60 ` 61
97 01100001 61 a 62
98 01100010 62 b 63
99 01100011 63 c 64
100 01100100 64 d 65


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