Les Ilagan
Author / Senior Content Writer
Profile Information
I started my career as a freelance writer in 2010. Then, in 2012, I joined Content Arcade where I started writing content for various websites. Currently, I hold the Senior Content Writer position, providing content for SmallSEOTools.com, TheSquander.com, and GoDubaiGo.com to name a few. I also wrote several eBooks that were published in Amazon.
I love reading books, photography, baking, traveling, and meeting people from different walks of life.
Full Name:
Display Name:
Les Ilagan
Job Title:
Author / Senior Content Writer
Content Arcade
Manila, Philippines
Type of Work:
Favorite Things:
Nature, Photography, Books, Music, Travel
Member Since:
May, 2022
Favorite Topics:
Blogging, SEO, Events, News
Performance Overview
Google Improved “Test My Site” For Better Results
Google one of the big four companies alongside Amazon, Facebook, and Apple launched Test my site service to measure the performance of a site on all the devices and to produce a list of required fixes....
Which One Is Better? Windows 8.1 Or Windows 10!
Windows 8.1 an updated and better version of Windows 8 was released in 2013, and Windows 10 is an updated version of Windows 8.1 with some advanced features launched in 2015 that’s what we thought so....
LG Smart Ovens Come With Tovala Tech
Scan your meals to get the advantage of customized cooking in Tovala. The latest range of smart ovens of LG comes with signature features of Tovala....