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ASCII To Binary

Convert ASCII characters to binary numbers, Enter or past an ASCII text in a text box i.e. "hello" and enter the convert button and it will result in a translated binary code. You can convert 128 ASCII characters to binary code.

Enter your ASCII: Sample
image of clear text

How To Convert ASCII To Binary With Our Free Tool

ASCII to binary conversion through our online tool is quite easy when compared to doing it manually. You won’t need to transform each letter by using the ASCII characters to the binary table. Also, the ASCII to the binary converter is available on all operating systems; all you need is the link to where you already are, a working internet connection and the below-given steps.

  1. After reaching the page of ASCII to the Binary Converter you will see a text box with the title “Enter your ASCII,” this is where you will be writing your ASCII characters (English text) for transformation to a binary like shown in the image.
  2. After writing or pasting your ASCII codes for conversion just hit the Convert To Binary button and the results will be displayed in the following manner under the tool.
  3. You can copy the result, click on the Copy to clipboard button for copying all instantly.

If you want to convert binary values back to its original ASCII Characters use this binary to ASCII converter by

ASCII Characters and Binary Numbers System

The (ASCII) American Standard Code for Information Interchange is an encoding system. Which was designed for old computers and other machines like telephone and telegraphic codes etc. it was then based on 128 symbols which include numbers, alphabets and special characters (punctuation marks, space and delete characters). At that time the commands used were few like start, wait, or complete. Today, with the evolving programs and number system, ASCII systems are used widely in almost every computing and telecom equipment.

A computer can only understand the number systems and the binary numbers are the most commonly used system in the machines. If you don’t know ASCII stores information technically in ones and zeros, the significant difference in both these formats is you can upload various text type files or CGI documents in ASCII but when it comes to files like audio, images, etc. then the binary mode is considered as it is used to send files as raw data. An ASCII is basically a character set that consists of 128 7-bit characters.

Our ASCII to Binary converter can let you convert all the characters into the binary code. All the characters have been assigned a particular binary number of eight digits. For example, if you write the word “SEA,” you will see these numbers (01110011 01100101 01100001), where the first series represents the letter S and so on. As a MAC-based system uses these two formats for sending PostScript files, you can convert all the data to binary using our ASCII to Binary online converter tool.

ASCII Text To Binary Code – The Main Differences

In ASCII, the protocol is assembled with data which is encoded with the values of ASCII. The minimal addition of controls that are added in the protocol is then translated by the printer. All the communications like Ethernet, parallel and serial support ASCII, and have considered it a standard.

If we talk about the files in a computer, they are comprised of tiny fragments of data, which is known as bits. The most common example of an ASCII file can be a text file with no formatting or styling. ASCII characters occupy 7-bits out of eight, which means seven bits are needed to represent an ASCII character.

Which also means you are not using the 8th part of the byte. A binary file doesn’t have such limitations and/or restrictions. An ASCII is used in various places today such as web pages, HTML, etc. The reason is each ASCII character has a unique function or meaning that can only be read by the browsers.

Whereas, Binary modes are used to send files that are executable, compressed or are images. If you have ever tried uploading an image in ASCII mode, then you might have noticed a mess displaying on the page where the picture was supposed to be viewed.

Which happens because the ASCII code has corrupted the coding because binary encoding is done in BCP (Binary Communication Protocol) where each byte is built in one of the 256-bit patterns. A binary file is a series of ones and zeros in compound configurations. What differs is these characters can be used to build text, images or any kind of data which means lesser characters are required to represent most of the elements of language and operator names than in the ASCII coding.

ASCII Characters To Binary Numbers Conversion Table

Each character symbol must have an integer value representing it in the electronic device because all the electronic devices only deal with numbers (i.e “01100001” binary number representing “a” character) that’s why each number has its own ASCII code. So, with a standard representation for each character electronic devices can communicate with each other. Get binary codes of characters from the ASCII - binary character table.

ASCII Binary
NUL 00000000
SOH 00000001
STX 00000010
ETX 00000011
EOT 00000100
ENQ 00000101
ACK 00000110
BEL 00000111
BS 00001000
HT 00001001
LF 00001010
VT 00001011
FF 00001100
CR 00001101
SO 00001110
SI 00001111
DLE 00010000
DC1 00010001
DC2 00010010
DC3 00010011
DC4 00010100
NAK 00010101
SYN 00010110
ETB 00010111
CAN 00011000
EM 00011001
SUB 00011010
ESC 00011011
FS 00011100
GS 00011101
RS 00011110
US 00011111
Space 00100000
! 00100001
" 00100010
# 00100011
$ 00100100
% 00100101
& 00100110
' 00100111
( 00101000
) 00101001
* 00101010
+ 00101011
- 00101101
. 00101110
/ 00101111
0 00110000
1 00110001
2 00110010
3 00110011
4 00110100
5 00110101
6 00110110
7 00110111
8 00111000
9 00111001
: 00111010
; 00111011
< 00111100
= 00111101
> 00111110
? 00111111
@ 01000000
A 01000001
B 01000010
C 01000011
D 01000100
E 01000101
F 01000110
G 01000111
H 01001000
I 01001001
J 01001010
K 01001011
L 01001100
M 01001101
N 01001110
O 01001111
P 01010000
Q 01010001
R 01010010
S 01010011
T 01010100
U 01010101
V 01010110
W 01010111
X 01011000
Y 01011001
Z 01011010
[ 01011011
\ 01011100
] 01011101
^ 01011110
_ 01011111
` 01100000
a 01100001
b 01100010
c 01100011
d 01100100
e 01100101
f 01100110
g 01100111
h 01101000
i 01101001
j 01101010
k 01101011
l 01101100
m 01101101
n 01101110
o 01101111
p 01110000
q 01110001
r 01110010
s 01110011
t 01110100
u 01110101
v 01110110
w 01110111
x 01111000
y 01111001
z 01111010
{ 01111011
| 01111100
} 01111101
~ 01111110
DEL 01111111

Note: You can also do other conversions like binary to text or text to binary.



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