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If you want to check the SEO score for your site or your competitor’s. Enter the domain name or URL into the given field and click “Check SEO Score”. You will get the results in no time!

Enter Domain (with https://)


How do you run your SEO? Are you data-driven or you are going about it unwittingly, paying zero attention to the numbers?

It's the 21st century and if you want your Search Engine Optimization game to be operating at its absolute prime, then you just must know your SEO data and use it to improve your rankings.

As a webmaster, it's your responsibility to regularly run what is called “website SEO score check” for your website, to discover this data.

Site score is a measure of how well your website is optimized to rank on search engine results pages (SERPs).

When you're equipped with this data, you'd more easily be able to:

  • See what's going on with your website SEO on a general level
  • Discover SEO issues on your website and fix those
  • See what's working and what's not
  • Identify what needs to be replaced, removed, or improved.

And to examine your site's SEO score? You need a reliable SEO checker tool. And that is exactly what we have built here for you.

WEBSITE SEO CHECKER by Small SEO Tools is your best bet for discovering your site's SEO metrics and status.


Everyone who owns and operates a website has either used SEO tools or has heard about them but has not applied them on the website. SEO is the commonly used abbreviation for Search Engine Optimization. Before we discuss SEO lets, understand how Google website analysis works. Google is the most popular and used search browser today. Google periodically examines every website and ranks it.

The Google website crawler visits websites and examines its content saves relevant website information in its database and ranks it.


To ensure compliance with the latest and best industry practices, we keep a close watch on Google's ranking criteria as well as that of other major search engines like Bing and Yahoo!. Thus, the tool is updated whenever Google Site score checking algorithm is changed and made public.

Built to deliver accurate, helpful, and reliable results, anyone can use this tool for absolutely free to get their site's SEO report.

But the tool does more than just checking site SEO scores. It actually supplies a complete and detailed analysis of a website’s SEO data and performance in virtually all ramifications, with just a click.

To get the full picture of this, let's examine some of its most obvious features.


Before we go on talking about the remarkable features of this amazing SEO tool, please note that ALL the features and displays discussed below will show up with just ONE click after you might have entered your URL. Very brilliant, uhn?!

Let's get to the features:

SEO Score: This is of course a tool for checking SEO site score, so it shows you the SEO score of the website you enter. This data is usually actually the first visual display you'd come across in the results section after running a request. And frankly, this “Website Ranking report” is where most other “Website checkers” out there stop. But Site Checker by Small SEO Tools is waaaayy better than that! See below for features that are more than what you might find in other tools.

SEO Test: Still with just the first click, our tool also runs a quick SEO test on your website and shows you the number of tests the site has passed, warnings, and errors found. Still on the first section, the tool will show you the “Status” of the test, and other data.

SEO Grading and Certification: This tool is not just an SEO site checker as we've said. It doubles as a website grader. So it grades your site against key metrics like performance, SEO, mobile readiness, and security. Based on the grading of your website, Website SEO Checker will automatically create both large and small SEO grading certificates for you to display on your website at will to build trust with your audience. To do that, simply copy and paste the code on your website.

General SEO Evaluation: As you keep going, things get more interesting. Still with just the initial one click, Website Ranking Checker will show you a bunch of “General SEO” metrics and information. Basically, it checks and tests for the SEO elements listed below (each one of those is a big data on its own!) and shows you the status for each one along with detailed information and recommendations as related to your site:

  • Page Title
  • Meta Description
  • Meta Keywords
  • Google Search Results Preview
  • Keywords Density Test
  • Keywords Test
  • <h1> Heading Status
  • <h2> Heading Status
  • Robots.txt Test
  • Sitemap Test
  • Broken Links Test
  • Underscores in Links Test
  • SEO Friendly URL Test
  • Image Alt Test
  • Inline CSS Test
  • Favicon Test
  • Deprecated HTML Tag Checking
  • Noindex Tag Checking
  • Nofollow Tag Checking
  • Domain Authority Checking
  • Page Authority Checking
  • WWW Redirection Test
  • HTML Page Size Test
  • HTML Compression/GZIP Test

Screenshots: Website Score Checker takes and shows you the desktop and mobile screenshots of your website for improving your design for better rankings.

Keywords Analysis: The tool shows you a thorough analysis of the major keywords used across your entire website. It analyzes from 1-word keywords to 4-words keywords along with their statistics.

Social Stats: You also get to see a collection of all the social signals connected to your site, including the total number of shares your site has gotten on all the major social media sites since day one.

Server and Security Test: Google takes security pretty seriously. So this free online SEO score tool tests a number of elements on your server to ascertain the security of your website. These include:

  • HTTPS Test
  • Server Signature Test
  • Safe Browsing Test
  • Directory Browsing Test
  • Plaintext Emails Test

Advanced SEO: If you thought the above reports our tool displays are more than mind-blowing, wait for this: Website Ranking Checker takes things to an entirely different level by showing you some advanced SEO reports you can actually trust. These include reports like page load time, page size, and a lot more.

Imagine getting all of these reports in one place with just a click, plus expert recommendations on what to do for each one to move your site SEO forward for improved rankings. That's exactly what you get with Website Score Checker for FREE.

And these elements were NOT pick at random. These are the exact major checks that Google and other search engines perform on every website. Which means, with us, you're in safe hands.

No other website analysis tool is this elaborate on the whole of the Internet. Yet, this tool is one of the easiest to use.


So typically, how this tool works is that you simply enter a website URL in the space provided and click on the “Check SEO” button to run a request.

Within a second, all the reports (and more) listed above on the “Features” section will be available to you for free.

The information displayed will be beneficial in knowing the SEO strengths and weaknesses of your website. When you know the weaknesses, you can focus on strengthening them so that your website starts to rank better in search engines.

Once you've resolved the weaknesses and tweaked your website accordingly, you can rerun the test to see your new status. Repeat this process until you are sure that all the weak points have been taken care of and that you're satisfied with your results.

At the bottom of the results, our tool automatically displays the website's SEO score and certificate, along with HTML code that you can copy and paste on the backend of your website to display the certificate.

This builds trust between you and your audience.

Additionally, you can also use this tool to evaluate other websites, like that of your clients or even competitors.

It can also be helpful to examine the SEO Site Checker of top ranking websites like Amazon, Wikipedia, etc., to get an idea of the tactics they employ to rank high.

Now that you have a reliable and extensive SEO Site checking tool available to you, and know how to use it and what to use it for, simply go ahead and, well, use it. Remember, it is as simple as entering your URL and giving it just one lazy click or tap and the tool will do the rest of magic

And if you need more helpful SEO tools? We've got you covered. How about you check out our Image compressorOnline Ping Website Tool, Google Index Checker, or Spider Simulator?

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