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Use our Twitter Card Generator to tweet a wide variety of content, including photos, videos, and more, for free.

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<meta name="twitter:card" content="app">
<meta name="twitter:site" content="@">
<meta name="twitter:description" content="">
<meta name="twitter:app:name:iphone" content="">
<meta name="twitter:app:id:iphone" content="">
<meta name="twitter:app:name:ipad" content="">
<meta name="twitter:app:id:ipad" content="">
<meta name="twitter:app:name:googleplay" content="">
<meta name="twitter:app:id:googleplay" content="">
<meta name="twitter:app:country" content="">
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About Twitter Cards

The two most popular social media sites in the world today are Facebook and Twitter. Some business houses are advertising their products and services on social media. Twitter gained popularity in social media as it enabled users to send short burst messages to the world hoping someone would look at the message (tweet) and respond. Initially, tweet messages were limited to sending 140 character messages. People started following messages on their topic of interest and also started following messages of people that they liked, for example, celebrities, sports persons and politicians.

Recently in America, the world witnessed US President Donald Trump’s addiction of broadcasting his views on the world and domestic affairs on Twitter. In fact, some of his tweets created quite a stir and criticism as well.

Twitter has become one of the favorite social media tools among people to air their views on any topic they choose. Because of the character limitation users are forced to write short and meaningful messages. Also the fact that it’s a free broadcaster and receiver has made it hugely popular. Most people use it as a recreational tool, but some people write and broadcast useful messages.

Twitter cards

People who have seen the popularity of Twitter have started using it to promote their business. People have responded to tweets on job vacancies and found a job. Hobbyists have joined together and exchange information regarding their hobby on Twitter. People doing e-commerce were excited when Twitter announced that they were upping the game and announced analytics for Twitter cards. This new facility allows users to add images, videos and product descriptions to their tweets. For example, this means an ad for a t-shirt allows the seller to add an image of the product to the tweet.

After providing Twitter cards, surveys indicated that the response from viewers to tweets had increased by over 30%. Now e-commerce businesses could promote their top selling products on tweets and expect to get a better response. The dynamics of adverting and selling have changed since the advent of smart phones and social media. The social media sites have become the place for businesses to advertise products. People look at the ad and if they like what they see, and the price is right they will purchase it right there. Advertising on TV and newspapers or billboards no longer attracts buyers, its products on social media and especially if they have good reviews from legitimate sources that sell products. Plus the cost of advertising products on social media is minuscule as compared to running an advertising campaign on TV or any other media.

Different types of Twitter Cards

Twitter offers four different types of Twitter cards to drive customers to your website. The basic Twitter card types are:

  • Summary Card
  • Summary card with large image
  • App Card
  • Player Card

The summary card has title, description and thumbnail.

The summary card with large image has title, description and a prominently featured image.

The App card has a direct download to a mobile application.

The player card can provide audio, video media.

Twitter cards are incredibly easy to get started and implement. It should take less than 15 minutes to create a card, get approval if it’s a player card and implement it. Which means it will take a seller 15 or fewer minutes to run an ad for a product on Twitter which has millions of members.

No business can imagine reaching such a wide audience with such little effort. It is why a large number of business houses are using Twitter cards to promote their business products.

How to use a Twitter Card Generator

If you want to use Twitter cards to promote your business, there are two steps involved to create them. First, you have to generate the meta tags for the Twitter card that you want to generate. Once you have generated them, you have to insert them in the homepage of your website and get them approved by Twitter. To generate the Twitter cards meta tags you must know the HTML code to write and place in the code of your website, or you can use a Twitter card generator. Also, you must know the Twitter card image size to generate.

To use a Twitter card generator you can go to from the search engine on your browser, or just copy/paste in the address bar of your search browser. Enter the required fields, and the application will generate the code that you will need to copy in your website’s code. Select the card type to be generated. Enter your website or user name, and a description, and your country. The application will generate the code. You can now copy this code to your website and generate the Twitter card. You can do a Twitter card review and if the card is not suitable to make changes in the code.

You must be careful when you generate the Twitter card meta tags for cards that contain video tags. The size of the video display must be within limits spelled out by Twitter.

Applying for Twitter Card Approval

After you have decided to use Twitter cards, you must get approval from Twitter. You apply for the approval by providing some basic information about yourself and your website. This process is known as Twitter whitelist request. After you get the approval from Twitter the Twitter cards meta tags that you have placed on your website will be picked up by Twitter and displayed.

Now you can market your business using Twitter cards to advertise it. It’s incredibly easy and provides another way to promote business and get new customers.


If your site is in WordPress, you might face Twitter card image not showing WordPress error. You will need to look at your site’s code and correct it. Or you face Twitter not showing pictures or Twitter image not loading, check your code and make the necessary corrections to it. Twitter has opened up a new avenue for advertisers with Twitter cards.



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