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JSON to XML Converter

JSON to XML is an online tool which converts JSON into XML files. If you want to transform files just place URL of site/upload file and click on 'Convert To XML' button for results.

Enter or Paste Your JSON:
fullScreen button
Load URL (json)
image of url link

JSON To XML Data Interchange And Execution Format

JSON, as you know, is a text written with JS object notation and is a data interchange, human-readable form. It uses the standards of JavaScript language only, but it doesn’t require any JavaScript codes for reading or writing because of its language independency due to its structure which is in text format.

JSON can be smoothly run anywhere, and it just contains a few elements which are similar to JavaScript’s. The data required by the server and the browser should be in text format, and as JSON is text, any JavaScript can be easily transformed to JSON and sent to the server for data exchanging purpose.

The JSON can be retransformed to JavaScript upon receiving from the server. So, there is no way of getting into the complications of translations.

The data stored in the JavaScript object can without any trouble be converted to JSON by using the JSON.stringify () function and to receive you can use the JSON.parse () function. Below are the data types and elements of JSON which are also identical to the ones used in JavaScript.

  • Objects
    These are enclosed in curly braces also known as the flower brackets and are written in pairs of keys/values, where keys have to be a string and the value have to be valid data type of JSON. These keys and values are divided by a column, and a comma separates all the pairs of keys and values.The objects can be accessed easily using the dot or the bracket notation; also, you can loop through their properties by using a for-in loop.
    The values as you know are stored in JSON objects, the value can be another JSON object too, which can also be accessed the same way. The dot notation can also be used to modify the values in JSON when necessary.
  • Arrays
    If you aren’t already aware these arrays are similar to the ones used in JavaScript, the values of arrays can be a string, another object, another array, a null or a Boolean. The only difference is that JavaScript can contain more functions and valid JS expressions.A JSON array can include multiple values; these values are separated by a comma and can store objects as well. The values can be accessed, deleted/modified using an index number, the values in the array start from number zero and onwards.Today JSON is widely used and is also considered a better format than XML, but there are times when you need to use a JSON converter tool. The most common reason of all is that, if a program only supports XML then how are you going to convert your JSON to XML instantly? The best way would be to Convert JSON to XML Online using a converter or developing and deploying a whole new version of the file for the program?

What makes XML and JSON dissimilar?

There are some significant differences, but they have more similar qualities. The data exchanging still hasn’t completely transformed to JSON which is why almost half of the world uses XML as their data interchange format.

If compared, JSON and XML are alike because they are both human readable or should we say self-describing, they contain hierarchical values which means values within values, they both are used for analyzing by various programming languages.

The question here arises, what the difference is?
The answer is quite simple if you already are aware of how to write JSON then you pretty much know the differences like it doesn’t require any ending tags which makes it shorter than XML. Reading the file is more comfortable as it’s less verbose, you can quickly check the values if they are correctly written or not plus you can use arrays in JSON which is a big advantage.

The only reason why it needs conversion is if the program has XML parser because JSON can only be parsed with JS function. Also, for AJAX applications, JSON is faster because it doesn’t have to loop through the document to extract and store values in variables. It just requires a Json.parse function nothing else.

If we talk about why XML is still used widely then, it’s a markup language which means you can add extra information to plain text and an object notation is not that accommodating which is also a good thing but XML can solve problems for you quickly.

XML uses tag structure and supports namespaces whereas JSON doesn’t provide support for that. XML doesn’t support arrays, and because of that, its documents are a little difficult to read as compared to JSON. XML is more secure than JSON; it supports comments and various encoding whereas JSON doesn’t support commenting and only sustains UTF-8 coding.

How To Use JSON To XML Converter Online

Our online JSON to XML conversion tool doesn’t require much effort, except for if you want to write the code all by yourself for testing and learning purposes else all you have to do is follow some steps given below and you will have your code converted in no time:

  1. After landing on the page of JSON file converter, you will find a title that says “Enter or Paste Your JSON” as shown in the picture below.
  2. If you are not planning to copy/paste or write the code in the box, then you can choose to upload the files by two options given below the box. One is to upload the file if it is stored somewhere on your storage device or you can provide a link of the file if it is located on some online server.
  3. After uploading or writing the code as we have used in the below image all you have to do is hit the “Process” button located below the convert JSON file to XML tool.
  4. The results will appear below the tool ready to be copied or downloaded, to copy the content press the “Copy to clipboard” button and to download just click the “Download” button.


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