Tausif Akram
Founder / CEO
Profile Information
My vigorous career began with content management, but somehow, I managed to make my dream come true. I love my work would be an understatement. Today, I’m the founder/CEO of Content Arcade and SmallSEOTools.com. I like to spend most of my time in strategizing and implementing business plans, and when not doing that, I’m most likely traveling.
Full Name:
Tausif Akram
Display Name:
Tausif Akram
Job Title:
Founder / CEO
Content Arcade
Faisalabad - Pakistan
Type of Work:
CEO- Information Technology Business
Favorite Things:
Member Since:
May, 2022
Favorite Topics:
Business Practices
Advanced SEO
Performance Overview

Artificial Intelligence & Digital Intelligence:Big Things Small Beginnings
Artificial intelligence transforms your business and handle crucial tasks while digital intelligence is the ability to utilise technology. Read this post for more information....

Secrets of Ranking Your Website in 2023
Ranking a website is more challenging in 2023 than a few years back. Check out our blog post to know 11 Secrets to Rank Your Website in 2023....

Put Your Website to Work! Learn How to Prospect
Making a website is insufficient. You need to be proficient in website prospecting. So, let’s dive in to maximize your sales and transform your business....

8 Incredible Uses of QR Codes In Marketing
This blog showcases how QR codes can be used in creative and innovative ways to engage customers, increase brand awareness, and drive sales. Read for more!...

Best Ways to Spot a Catfish
Catfish is the act of creating fake identity in order to trap people to achieve unethical or illegal goals. Find out best ways for spotting catfish....

Difference B/W SEO Plan & SEO Setup!
Seo can help you achieve extraordinary results. Learn professional SEO steps which include keyword research, on-page, link building, and more....

How to Incorporate AI Tools to Improve Your Marketing Strategy?
Artificial intelligence has become increasingly important for business enhancement. Find out how AI can improve your marketing strategy...

Best Formats to Share Social Media Content
Employ content formats that will grab more audience and distinguish your brand. Discover the formats that works best on social media platforms....