Tausif Akram
Founder / CEO
Profile Information
My vigorous career began with content management, but somehow, I managed to make my dream come true. I love my work would be an understatement. Today, I’m the founder/CEO of Content Arcade and SmallSEOTools.com. I like to spend most of my time in strategizing and implementing business plans, and when not doing that, I’m most likely traveling.
Full Name:
Tausif Akram
Display Name:
Tausif Akram
Job Title:
Founder / CEO
Content Arcade
Faisalabad - Pakistan
Type of Work:
CEO- Information Technology Business
Favorite Things:
Member Since:
May, 2022
Favorite Topics:
Business Practices
Advanced SEO
Performance Overview

Facebook Videos: Privacy Settings and Ability to Download
Facebook privacy settings allow its users to select the audience with whom they wish to share a video. Discover which videos can be downloaded from Facebook....

6 Tips for Creating Outstanding Facebook Video Ads
Facebook video ads campaign help marketers and brand achieve potential customers. Discover 6 tips for creating outstanding video ads....

The Future of QR Codes in Digital Marketing
Read out the use of QR codes in targeted marketing campaigns & how they can be used to deliver personalized advertising experiences to consumers....

5 Reasons Why Companies Should Use Facebook Videos
Facebook is the most popular video sharing platform. Read this article to know about the reasons why as a brand, you should use Facebook videos....

How to Compress Image Size On Mac?
Read out the blog post to get the methods & tools available to Mac users to compress their image files. Follow the instructions for Mac image compression now....

Image Finder: How It Works and Why It Matters
Image finder has emerged as a useful innovation for people in their personal and professional lives. Let’s explore the working and importance of this utility....

How to Convert Image to PDF?
Here we are discussing the process of converting multiple image formats to PDF using SmallSEOTools. Prepare yourself for the next conversion....

5 Unique QR Code Business Card Ideas to Inspire Audience
Check out 5 unique & innovative QR code business card ideas that will help you to stand out from the crowd & drive traffic to your business. Read more!...